I was thinking about money today. 

After reading that for me to have a comfortable retirement I will need to have about $500,000 in superannuation, plus a part pension.  Well that is not likely to happen! If I lived in a city I perhaps could need that sort of money. If I had grand plans to jet off abroad every year maybe.  If I wanted to go out for dinner, theatre, have weekends away in places that are beautiful and a change.   I have done all these things often over my working life and did have enjoyment by doing it.
You know what, I don't remember most of the movies I paid to see, or the shows I went to.  I paid a lot to see CATS and had horrendous seats.   I have been to free shows and concerts and been mesmerised. I don't recall so much in periods of my life, whether that is due to dissociation or just poor memory.  I do know large chunks of my life memories are vacant.

I have traveled overseas and while I enjoyed meeting new people and seeing new places.  I realise for me most of the things I thought I wanted to see, ie, Auschwitz really changed my life, Hermitage a huge place with  365 rooms and over 3million objects.  It was so incredible also not so enjoyable, for me as there seemed to be so little time to be in front of anything.  

My trip was before Russia became really a tourist place. There is so much beauty about both natural and man made.  

The people that I met those begging, those that attempted to assault myself and my companion who is of Asian descent, on a train in Moscow, and the kindness of Russian passengers who got us off the train without us coming to harm.  The man who threatened us was a neo Nazi who did not apparently approve of us being together.  As we stood in some shock watching the train leaving the candelabra and marble beauty of the platform, we saw one of our rescuers being hit by the neo Nazi.     Again it made me realise that where ever you are there are wonderful kind and helpful people and horrible nasty people.  

I did enjoy seeing some great works, however so many had so many people about them you can hardly see them.  

For me travel has always been more about the people and their lives.   Not shopping or tourist sites..(which you tend to see better and unpopulated on tv or the net.   not quite the same as being there but a heck of a lot cheaper.  

The architecture was incredible and the wealth say at the summer palace whilst incredible also appalled me.  It kind of made me think of the world we live in today is not so very different from Catherine the Greats rule in Russia.  Wealth is displayed by opulence and material possessions.  Taken by violence in wars, or greed or from those you don't agree with then using the poor or abusing them.

I look at an example in Australia today, where this has just come to light.

" Australia’s second biggest bank is reeling after a lawsuit by the country’s financial intelligence unit accused it of 23 million breaches of an anti-money-laundering and terrorist-financing law and “indifference” toward pedophiles using its services." https://qz.com/1754928/australias-westpac-bank-sued-for-violations-enabling-pedophilia/

How does this happen?   why and will anyone higher up be charged?  The CEO and some others have resigned BUT,,,, will the pedophiles be caught?  what about the children does the money the bonus and wages this CEO  who in 2018
Mr Hartzer took home $4.9 million in 2018, which included a $2.2 million bonus?  why should anyone be paid half his or her salary in bonuses, (especially after what banks have been doing to customers came to light in the banking royal commission.  I bet they don't take any of his pay or bonus back!   Imagine if this sort of money was being given to help those kids and people who have been abused by pedophiles where the money was being transferred too.   

I have to stop, it upsets me the way Corporations pay their CEOs and upper management.  It gets me angry when I  see these same CEO's doing the sleep out for one night to help the homeless! They sleep under cover in a stadium on cardboard in a very warm down filled sleeping bag with full tummies and warm drinks.  They get a lovely cooked breakfast in the morning.   Yet if a homeless person tried to sleep in a stadium they would be arrested.     No comprehension these people have over what reality is of low income earners, and those struggling on benifits deal with.  

Yet I still feel rich even on  my low income, on government beneifit,   My life is so very simple,  I am at my home most days, I go shopping when I need to, I chat to people and its pleasant.  My groceries cost are not high over the year.  I spend time with my dogs and my garden.  I have lovely neighbours, and a good community about me.   My community well those who know me understand me and when I am not doing so well.  I have finally come to terms with be ok that I am ok on my own.  I was very very fortunate that my partner and I had a really wonderful relationship right up until his death a decade ago.  I miss him, and have no desire to be in a relationship again.   This may change who knows.  

I really would like to never hear or watch the news, (a lifetime habit ), to not listen to the politicians who have no real idea about the reality of living on a low income or being homeless is.   When I do I get fixated and frustrated (part of my illness) and I know I am unable to switch off.  I can not let it get to me.   I am well for me when I can. 

My day has been less than I hoped.   I have at least completed a load of washing, and it is drying.  On my bad days the washing is forgotten.   I did spend some time in the garden not long, My mind  began to think about everything I have to do and want to do.  Another symptom of my illness, at least I am well enough to know i need to stop, go for a walk, look about me, smell the sweet peas and salvias.  play with my dogs. go to bed early.  eat well.  Switch off.
