Crop Swap
Today Saturday was a get together I used to enjoy before my breakdown. A friend holds a crop swap in her shed the aim is to grow share and save seed of heritage varieties without chemicals. Encouraging local food supplies, fresh, and seasonal production. It is a wonderful community event that goes for about 1 and half hours. It is all about sharing things to do with food growing production using and things that help to do that.. I had some pumpkin, oregano, soap wort, seedlings to share. There were about 20 people a few children and a dog. (my guys were in the car) For so early in the season there was such an abundance of greens; lettuces full headed ones and lots of leaves to make salad, Asian greens, silver beet, leeks, radishes, some early garlic, lots of tomato seedlings all heritage varieties. Pineapple sage cuttings, other herbs fresh and for making cuttings to grow.
There were pickled eggs, and head cheese. Beautiful roses and sweet pea bunches(not really food but glorious to have in your home in a vase). One of the children had picked a lovely poesy of flowers. We go around and share our name where we live in the area(though several folk travel a bit to share ) and what we have brought with us. If you don't have anything this month, you are still able to share in the bounty and bring what you can next time. I came home with some lettuce seedlings, a jar of pickled eggs, a container of head cheese, some fresh spring garlic and my joy a cutting of Pineapple Salvia.
When I arrived I was early and ended up in the back area as the room filled up I felt a bit overwhelmed as lots of folk I did not know. It began to pour and get windy I kept thinking of my dogs out in the car with the windows down and eventually realised I needed to go wind the windows up which I did and this got me out of the back of the room and some fresh be it very wet air. On my return I was more settled and managed to have a pleasant time. Afterwards a cuppa and some delicious food made by some of the people attending. Delicious curry puffs, and gluten free cheese scones, and wattle seed and chocolate biscuits. Tea and coffee.
I had some of the head cheese on a beautiful ciabatta I had purchased (and got another free) at the local bakery end of the day yesterday. Very tasty, a bit like a terrine. On the way home I stopped at a garage sale. I have been thinking of buying a broom for outside for quite a while unfortunately the type of durable one I need is very expensive. I got an one at the garage sale for $2, its old and used but still the head has lots of life in it. I also purchased a magnetic fly screen for my front door $3. I had looked for one of these in the Shiploads (our kind of budget shop here in Tasmania)last week, they were $22.
I usually avoid garage sales these days, as I tend to hoard stuff. (I have been working through this and the reasons why with my psychologist). It was a good feeling to know today I purchased only things I really needed and would have been happy to walk away without purchasing anything.
A good day but I am exhausted, and long for my bed and tomorrow where I will be home all day. (The photographs on this page are taken by me at a older meeting, I did not have my camera today).
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